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Sri Narasipura Subbaiah Narayana Murthy

Somewhere in 2011 my good friend Rohan sent me a link to a documentary on Ayurveda.  It showcases different practitioners of Ayurveda, its ninth part caught my attention.  One, a patient in the film suffered from brain hemorrhage and two, the doctor (he is an indigenous healer / vaidhiyar, not a certified doctor) lived in Southern India which would make the travel not too adventurous.  I guessed the adventure part incorrectly.

Sri Narasipura Subbaiah Narayana Murthy (the Doctor) lives ofcourse in Narasipura, which falls under the Shimoga district in Karnataka.  My research prior the travel showed that all one needs to do is to get to Narasipura or Shimoga and locals know the doctor's place.

Our male cousin in Bangalore who is specially fond of my father agreed to accompany me.  We left to Shimoga on a Saturday since the doctor consults only on Sundays and Thursdays. Consultation begins at 7:00am, its on first come first serve basis.  I thought 5:00am would make us sufficiently early.  But our taxi driver in Shimoga ridiculed the time and took us there around 1:00am.  Apparently the documentary that got me there was the reason for the crazy surge in crowd.

Even at this hour we were already the 10th in line.  Everyone had come well prepared.  Mats, blankets, pillows, and food.  My cousin and I showed up with nothing.  Both of us don't take well to cold weather and it was rather cold to be out on the road in the hilly Shimoga region in the month of September.

After compelling my cousin to sleep in the car, I settled down next to a friendly family on the road by the Doctor's house.  Underneath me was floor mat from the car and to cover myself a flimsy shawl.  Token number 9 and my neighbors took pity on me and gave me a blanket.  I laid on the road awake for most of the night looking at the stars above and noticing constant influx of people.

Crack of the dawn showed a large crowd of waiting patients. There was a tea stall which also served breakfast and it unsurprisingly operated only on Sundays and Thursdays.  After the breakfast we fallen 50 places behind, so much for sleeping on the road.

Note: When we standing in the line.  My cousin is the one with the monkey cap and camera.  Can see how far behind we were in the line from being just 10th the previous night.

Stood in the line for over one hour. The consultation lasted for maybe 5-10 minutes.  He gave us some local barks.  One of which we were to make a paste and give with honey, the other was to be boil in water with pepper and cumin, reduce it to half and drink it.

I came home armed with magical herbs from the hills and sincerely followed the instruction.  What I always suspected happened, i.e. no change in my father's condition.  Maybe he warded off cold with all the pepper and cumin.

Was it utter stupidity and naiveness on my part to undertake something like this? Maybe.  Lying on my back on the road, unable to sleep and looking at the stars, I knew, and I suspect so did my cousin that this wasn't magically going to make my father walk or talk.  This was our massage to the universe that we loved and cared for him and have minimal expectations on what it would bring us.


  1. Very sad to know about it. May be you lacked faith in the medicine and that's why it didn't work for you. Faith is very essential.

    1. Sir, Did you have experience with him ? I need to go treatment for my Severe Gastric Ulcer. Is there any treatment available with him ? please let me know.

    2. Sir if u dont mind can i know ur prblm becoz i will treat the gastric ulcer.if u believe me call me to this 9494626396

    3. Sir if u dont mind can i know ur prblm becoz i will treat the gastric ulcer.if u believe me call me to this 9494626396

    4. to taken medicine for kidney failure daily three times or daily morning plz tell me sir

  2. my wife is diabetic, and had visited him he gave his treatment and asked to come regularly every 15 days x 4 times. after the 1st and 2nd time the sugar level became normal - our regular physician too was happy to see her sugar level dropped to normal after 8 years. so i continued without any changes - but after the 3rd the sugar level started to increase and after the 4th it was beyond control and had to take up emergency medicines, but still i had hope it auyr vedic medicines hence visited him with the reports and he said there would be error with your report was his irresponsible answer. My view is that not every one gets cured with this medicines- but few yes- those who get cured please post your opinion. Any way he is doing a great service.

  3. Thank you for your comment Mr. Raji. Thats alarming to hear about your wife. How is she now? I hear his herbs / barks are effective for cancer, but I haven't spoken to anyone who has had a great success. It would definitely be good to hear that version. I agree, he is doing a tremendous service, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on some.

    1. Please confirm if there is any timings to visit? And should we get the patient along or is only reports are fine?
      can u please provide contact number if available?

  4. Anybody get cured for ovarian cancer by taking n.s.narayan murthys treatment if so reply

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. my mother is suffering from ovarian cancer..she is taking chemotherapy at present.her stage is 3rd c..any one got solution for it at narayanamurti sir?weather sir medicine will be cure to my mother
      my num is 8099552656

    3. my mother is suffering from ovarian cancer..she is taking chemotherapy at present.her stage is 3rd c..any one got solution for it at narayanamurti sir?weather sir medicine will be cure to my mother
      my num is 8099552656

    4. my my mother is suffering from ovarian cancer..she is taking chemotherapy at present.her stage is 3rd c..any one got solution for it at narayanamurti sir?weather sir medicine will be cure to my mother

    5. Hai... give a try, many peoples are cured. don't give it up. Give a shot.

  5. plz tell the adress of narayan murti

    1. First you are required to come to Bangalore. From there take bus to Shimoga. You will find many buses. After that, you need to travel to Anandapura, which is 50 km away from Shimoga. Ask anyone in Anandapura about Narasipura. By the way, it is 8 km away from Anandapura on the same road (an Indian Oil Petrol pump will be a landmark). You can also reach Anandapura by train from Bangalore.

  6. plz tell the adress of narayan murti

  7. Is narayan murthys treats thyroid. if so reply.Ashok

    1. When i was there, some of the cases came to treat for thyroid issues but i am not sure about the result. Actually, my mother has Hypothyroidism problem, she is treating in Homeopathy , feels good result.

  8. testicular cancer also treated by vaidya narayana murthy

  9. I am suffering hepatitis B Positive ,anybody cure this treatment by using vaidya narayana murthy medicines.pls give your suggestions ASAP

  10. My mother is suffering stage5 kidney patient anybody cure this treatment by using vaidya narayana murthy medicines pls give your suggestions

  11. can i go with patient or without patient and what reports requires to show. urine sample is requires let me know pls.

  12. my mom was 65y old saffaring with brain mets can i use medication chemo after or be four chemo pls tell me

  13. @M Raju, No need to take patient.
    Medical reports are sufficient.

  14. @M Raju, No need to take patient.
    Medical reports are sufficient.

  15. Can we use this Ayurvedic medicine along with chemotherapy

  16. anyone looking for effective ayurvedic treatment for cancer of any stage pls reach at 9916625001

  17. My daughter (Class 12) had severe headache and was getting unconcious almost 12 to 15 times per day for around 2-3 minutes.Two years of allopathic treatment but no gain. Finally Shimoga medicine worked within 6 months.She is fine now. 8012549940

  18. I want to know if anyone got treatment from narayana Murthy for diabetes and it is cured from root or not, if any herbal treatment known then please advise on my cell no 9855229680

  19. October 19th 2017. Dr. Narayanamurthy is not distributing medicine due to holiday. Plan your visit accordingly, for more information only interested person can call on my # 9704 666 322

  20. Does he distribute the medicine everyday?

    1. No... he distributes medicines only on Saturdays 3.30p.m to 9.00p.m + Sunday - Full day and Wed 3.30p.m to 9.00p.m + Thursday- Full day

  21. Hi Sudha, one of my friend is suffering from brain haemorrhage and I was thinking of visiting the vaidhya in Shimoga.
    Did his treatment work in your father's case?
    What would you suggest?

    Many thanks in advance.

  22. Anyone with some information on my question posted above, kindly reply. It would be a great help to my friend and his suffering family.


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