There has been a consistent and worrying drop in the Albumin levels for my father since we started him on a Naturopathy diet - more on that for later. The accepted minimum norm might be irrelevant for someone like my father who isn't mobile or active like most people. Thats what I tell myself to avoid panic attacks over the seemly alarming dip. Almonds and peanuts were given to get his levels up. They turned out too hard for him to digest and he developed constipation and lost weight. The next hope was on Ragi (finger millets). We had to soak, sprout, grind, boil and reduce it to half, & finally mix it with a banana. Will elaborate on this drink in a different post, it was delicious. Everything was followed religiously. He developed violent diarrhea and lost weight. Meanwhile the albumin levels kept going down. Dr. Arun Sharma, our natural hygiene doctor / Naturopath then suggested soy milk. Online resources like the Instr...
When our father suffered a massive brain haemorrhage our lives changed forever. He was not expected to live. Life, priorities, love, friends, family, money, health – everything has gained a new, in many aspects finer and better perspective. A renaissance in our lives. Finding little or no survivors stories online, my sister and I decided to tell our story along with those of many others whose lives have crossed ours in this journey.