Source: If one were to take a survey of the number of labs in Chennai, the city of our residence, a mindboggling but unsurprising number would show up. In our 5 months at Apollo Specialty Hospital (ASH) lab tests made up almost one-fourth of the mammoth bill. As with many things we realized there is Apollo, and then there is rest of the medical world. Apparently their equipments and diagnostic procedures are cutting edge, a line of reasoning used to justify almost double the cost of tests done elsewhere. Once out of Apollo it was surely a tough act to follow for some of the specialized test. But for the routine ones - after two years, various labs and multiple tests I have a...
When our father suffered a massive brain haemorrhage our lives changed forever. He was not expected to live. Life, priorities, love, friends, family, money, health – everything has gained a new, in many aspects finer and better perspective. A renaissance in our lives. Finding little or no survivors stories online, my sister and I decided to tell our story along with those of many others whose lives have crossed ours in this journey.