Although our father could swallow food in small quantities, he was mainly fed through the ryles tube. With repeated episodes of him yanking it out due to discomfort and given his chronic cold, we were advised to have a PEG tube inserted in his stomach. Apparently ryles tube is a temporary solution, not recommended for more than couple of months, if even that. So we decided to have the PEG in place. It's a fairly simple procedure, does not take more than 20 minutes. There was a gastroenterologist in our hospital, whom I will hence forth refer to as Dr. G. He seemed friendly and we zeroed on him to perform the procedure. Dr. G, recommended that we get our father admitted a day before the procedure, then stay for another couple of days to monitor him. Although the expenses for such a stay at this corporate hospital seemed daunting, we opted for it given it was for the greater good! Incidentally in Jul...
When our father suffered a massive brain haemorrhage our lives changed forever. He was not expected to live. Life, priorities, love, friends, family, money, health – everything has gained a new, in many aspects finer and better perspective. A renaissance in our lives. Finding little or no survivors stories online, my sister and I decided to tell our story along with those of many others whose lives have crossed ours in this journey.