Visiting Bangalore this weekend made me stop at the office of the Spandana Public Trust. This is the organization that has provided us with two amazing live-in nurses since we got our father home. Having spoken to them only over phone, thought best to put faces to the empathetic voices answering our calls. Ms. Sunanda and Ms. Rathna, who always field the calls, were at the office on the crisp and sunny morning when I walked in to Spandana. The office is a flat in an apartment building located at a quiet and affluent neighborhood of Koramangala. There were some nurses waiting in the outer office looking for work. Walls in the waiting area were filled with motivational posters. Got couple of ideas on what it takes to be successful. There were Spandana trained nurses sitting in another room waiting to be placed. In a smaller room past all these room, both the ladies sat with a mobile and a landline each that r...
When our father suffered a massive brain haemorrhage our lives changed forever. He was not expected to live. Life, priorities, love, friends, family, money, health – everything has gained a new, in many aspects finer and better perspective. A renaissance in our lives. Finding little or no survivors stories online, my sister and I decided to tell our story along with those of many others whose lives have crossed ours in this journey.