While discharging our father from the hospital almost 4 months back, we had some sleepless nights and endless discussions on finding good home nursing. After much looking around and talking we found two male nurses, one for the day and one for the night. The night before the discharge, both bailed on us. The reason – our father was not ready for home care. Apparently the nurses differed from our neurosurgeon on the timing of discharge. We managed to have a lady come in on the first night at home. She was slightly disoriented and was tired most of the night. I sat vigilant watching her more than watching my father, and was constantly guiding her on what to do. Decided to call it a night with her, the thought of monitoring her each night was unbearable. Like a breath of fresh air an experienced nurse showed up in the morning. She fixed everything – arranged the chaotic room, drew up a chart for medicines and feed, and too...
When our father suffered a massive brain haemorrhage our lives changed forever. He was not expected to live. Life, priorities, love, friends, family, money, health – everything has gained a new, in many aspects finer and better perspective. A renaissance in our lives. Finding little or no survivors stories online, my sister and I decided to tell our story along with those of many others whose lives have crossed ours in this journey.